Monday, October 19, 2009

MDS: Today's Blood Counts & Other Good Stuff

Today, lots of good news na things I want to hear, starting with this week's blood counts:
  • Hemoglobin: 12.6
  • Platelets: 101,000

Dr. O was particularly pleased with the hemoglobin counts.

She also said we'd add an extra week between shots and, even better as far a I'm concerned, said it was alright with her to try doing five-shot sequences rather than seven.


Being shot-up from Monday-Friday only should provide a huge psychological lift. It should also give me 2-4 more functional day per month.

Let's just hope it works.

And . . . this just in:

The skin biopsy apparently show nothing new. Dr. D says if the bumps need to be treated, it's have to be done systemically, and that's Dr. O's call.

Now—enough with the medical stuff. Penny and I are off to London for a week. Pip-Pip, and all that.


  1. That's great about the levels! I'm sure the extra week between and 5 vs. 7 will make a huge difference for you. Have a great time in London!

  2. Thanks, Courtney. Apprecicte your staying in touch.
