Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MDS: I Got the Low-Down Blood Count Blues

Yesterday's blood counts:
  • Hemoglobin—12.1
  • Platelets—75,000
The 75,000 number concerns me.

Dr. O continually reassures me that it's normal for the count to drop after Vidaza Shots Week.

But, looking back, I don't recall any recent time it's dropped so low.

And, when it dips below 100,000, I begin wondering (wondering—not worrying; not yet, anyway) what that means. Because Dr. MDS had said that above 100,000 meant I can do whatever physical activities I want.

So, if I intend to ski—which I certainly do—does that mean I can't ski during certain weeks? If it does, how am I to know what the platelet count is at any given time? Monday's 75,000 could be Thursday's 110,000. Or Saturday's 150,000.

Do ski resorts have blood sampling stations adjacent to their lift ticket windows?

And, let's not even talk about low platelets short-sheeting my energy.

Meanwhile, the hemoglobin and white cell counts remain excellent. So, what exactly does that mean, anyway?

This is some kind of proverbial or cliched psychological roller coaster ride. But, jeez, it's my daughter who likes roller coasters, not me. I'd rather slide on snow, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Mitch,

    Rather than having to “recall any recent time it's dropped so low,” would it be helpful to create an excel spread sheet with your blood counts?

    You could even color code the spread sheet cells to reflect times you receive the Vidaza shots and other events that may have an effect to the counts.

    If you wanted to get fancy you could event create charts with a little line that will help you get a big picture of the counts ups and down. You might find some long term patterns that could help you predict when to make ski plans.

    Loveland in Colorado fired up their snow guns yesterday. Ski season is just around the corner.

