Tuesday, July 21, 2009

MDS This week's blood counts

This week's blood counts:
  • Platelets - 117,000
  • Hemoglobin - 12.0
This is good. Up from last shot series' high of 109,000. So, the both the low and the high were higher this time around.

Dr. O seemed pleased.

I am pleased.

Could be that the Vidaza is doing what it's meant to do.

To that, I offer a qualified, cautious "Yippee!"


  1. Hi Mitch,

    Glad to hear the good news.Yippe! I'm Hua, the director of Wellsphere's HealthBlogger Network, a network of over 2,000 of the best health writers on the web (including doctors, nurses, healthy living professionals, and expert patients). I think your blog would be a great addition to the Network, and I'd like to invite you to learn more about it and apply to join at http://www.wellsphere.com/health-blogger. Once approved by our Chief Medical Officer, your posts will be republished on Wellsphere where they will be available to over 5 million monthly visitors who come to the site looking for health information and support. There’s no cost and no extra work for you! The HealthBlogger page (http://www.wellsphere.com/health-blogger) provides details about participation, but if you have any questions please feel free to email me at hua@wellsphere.com.


  2. Mitch:

    So glad to find your blog. My husband has had low cbc's for over 25 years. Last month he had platelets at 69,000, hemoglobin at 11 and wbc at 2.4. Oddly enough, I have MPN/polycythemia vera and am on chemo to lower my numbers. Who would have thought? Dennis (husband) and I see hem-0nc at Mayo Scottsdale. His bmb is inconclusive. We spent the first year after his dx of "probably MDS" mourning his loss, got tired of crying much of the time, cleaned up our acts and have enjoyed life with 7 kids and 4 grandkids ever since. We still have 3 boys at home. Fatigue is part of both our dx's but the 18 hour days probably play a part :-) We will follow your story and keep you in our prayers. Vidaza may be in Dennis' future

    Peace.............Kathy (kathyvanmeter@cox.net)

  3. Hua,
    I'm so pleased to not only discover that you've discovered my bog, but that you've both found it worthwhile. It has certainly functioned as a "coping mechanism" for me. Thanks.

    Hua, I'll definitely look into the HealthBlogger page.

    And, Kathy, I understand the "getting tired of crying all the time" (which I'm striving to do). But, even more, understand the fatigue factor, although methinks all the kids and grandkids - at home or otherwise - are playing a major role in that for you guys.

    Thanks again.
