Friday, July 24, 2009

MDS Man Shoots Excellent Round of Golf

MDS Man Shoots Excellent Round of Golf

Yes, I can see the newspaper headlines now. And, the story...

"Yesterday a precedent-setting round of golf was played on the Orchard Hills golf course in Paramus, N.J., when an MDS man shot a completely ScoreWorthy 9-hole round of golf in a persistent rainfall."

(ScoreWorthy golf, strictly my own invention, involves making double-bogey or better on any given hole. A completely ScoreWorthy round means all holes were double-bogey or better.)

Okay, it's a bit of a stretch. But, this MDS and golf seem to have much in common.
  • MDS: blood counts go up-and-down.
  • Golf: scores go up-and-down.
  • MDS: energy levels up-and-down.
  • MDS: golf shots go up-and-down (when they don't dribble on the ground).
  • MDS: causes profound psychological ups-and-downs.
  • Golf: causes annoying psychological ups-and-downs.
  • With MDS: some days you're up, some days you're down.
  • In golf: chipping onto the green and putting once is called an "up-and-down."
  • MDS: was characterized by my GP physician as "uncharted territory."
  • Golf: the way I play it, is surely uncharted territory.
So, yesterday, nearly two full weeks after the last Vidaza shot cycle, oddly, my energy was down, the rain was coming down and, even more oddly, my golf game was up.

Searching for logic in these two realms?

I am. Can't say as I've found it in either. Yet.

1 comment:

  1. Mitch,
    Have a great trip to Maine! Wheah are you headin'?
