Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mitch's Obituary

photo by Dino Vournas
Today the Bergen Record ran Mitch's obituary in place of his ski column which is very gratifying but it is a newspaper obituary and doesn't convey the depth of sadness, respect and support that we have received from all his famly, friends and colleagues.  Mitch gnashed his teeth many times over what was printed and what was not and I'm gnashing because they didn't give Dino Vournas the photo credit I requested for the picture of Mitch skiing at Brundage.  It's listed as a family photo, but perhaps that's somehow appropriate because the readers of this blog have become our family.  Your support and comments have been wonderful in this difficult time.


  1. Penny,

    I would have joined him on any slope...any time!
    It would have been a true honor!

    George Holder

  2. I'm sorry to learn of this terrible development. I am a leukemia patient and I've been living with my leukemia for about 11 1/2 years. I came to Mitch's blog for that reason, to share in the fight.

    It sure isn't fair.

  3. So very sorry to hear of this. I too was a follower because of my husbands AML that started out as MDS. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Gay Lyn
