Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MDS Becomes AML - No Platelets, No Energy

Today's counts:
  • Platelets: 6,000
  • Hemoglobin: 9.1
  • White Cells: 7.8
Six thousand isn't a record low for platelets, but it ain't far off.

No platelets means no energy.

So, today I've slept.

While I've waited four-plus hours for the platelet transfusion bag to show up.

Even Ms. I.V. Pole is wondering what's going on.

There have been better days.

But, also worse.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mitch,

    My name is Gillian and I'm a writer with the MDS Beacon. I know you've been interviewed for the site before, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in contributing your thoughts and experiences for a series of articles I'm working on concerning caregivers for individuals with MDS patients.

    If you are interested, my email is

    Thank you so much for your time in advance!

