Friday, January 29, 2010

MDS becomes MDL - Sorry for the Silence

Mitch had really hoped to post much sooner than this, and has resisted having me post anything because he wanted to keep this blog in his own voice. But, it is obvious from the amount of time without a post that he’s not up to it yet.

The first task is to bring you up to date. The effects of the chemo are indeed devastating on many systems of the body. Most troublesome for him has been colitis and continuing, although intermittent, diarrhea, and bloating which makes his “belly look like a small beach ball.” Fatigue has also been a constant companion, and, being in the hospital doesn’t help that with frequent interruptions. He has had many, many transfusions, and is getting very attached to his constant companion, the IV pole. Lots of antibiotics, antibacterials, antifungals .

On the plus side, his vitals are strong. And the care here at Valley Hospital is excellent. We are now at about day 19 from the beginning of chemo and are hoping to see some improvement in the blood counts over the weekend, especially the whites so they can get busy fighting infection and healing his body.

I will post my daily e-mail update here on Mitch’s blog until he bounces back enough to take over and redeem the style. We appreciate all your thought and best wishes. Keep them coming, please.



  1. Thank you so much for updating the blog....the MDS journey is a wild one...and we appreciate the honesty and humor Mitch shares with us. We hope you get out of that place soon!
    MDS Dave and Patti

  2. Mitch and Penny,
    I am thinking of you and will follow Mitch's progress. Thanks for keeping Mitch's friends up to date with the blog. You are not missing any good skiing, it is very cold and not much fun, especially without you. Please beat this thing and get back to the mountains soon.
    In friendship,
    Janet Franz and family

  3. Mitch

    Thanks for keeping everyone updated.Please know that my thoughts are with you and I will certainly take a couple of runs (all powder - no falls) for you here at MRG. Well my friend if you ever picked a good ski season to miss this is the one! If you can make it snow for us we sure would be appreciateive. Hang in there, feel better and I sure do hope to see you up on the hill again real soon. Take Care!!!

    Eric Friedman
