Monday, January 4, 2010

MDS: Back in the USSR

Houston, we have a problem. The Great New Year's Eve Platelet Transfusion didn't take.

Yesterday—Sunday—we finally gave up on pretending I could muscle through another day. Not a hard decision since I'd reached a point where I couldn't even walk a flight of stairs.

So, here we are. Back in the hospital.

And no wonder I couldn't walk the stairs:
  • Platelets: 4,000
  • Hemoglobin: 7
The lowest numbers ever.

I was immediately put on a variety of IVs, and we spent the night transfusing one unit of platelets and two units of whole blood. This literally took all night, complemented with checking of vitals every 30 minutes.

No sleep was achieved.

We are now awaiting the blood culture results, along with the new, post-transfusion counts. Tonight we'll likely be enduring another bone marrow biopsy.

The bigger question, of course, is this: why would the counts drop so precipitously so quickly?

And, why did the platelet transfusion not take at all?


  1. Mitch,

    You are in my prayers, constantly.



  2. Mitch,
    Ken and I just got your news. We are dismayed, to say the least. Keep up the grouchy spirits... and listen to some George Carlin.

  3. MItch,
    Hey, we are all pulling for you.
    with all our love,
    anne, Alan, Joey , Benny and Sarah

  4. Mitch,
    Stay alive and take lots of drugs.


  5. Hi Mitch..Your disease progression sounds very similar to my husband's. He is just starting Vidaza...I appreciate your spirit and humor, and hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Patti A. (California)
