Thursday, June 11, 2009

Suddenly Awake

I noticed something funny this morning about 10:30. I was working away, minding my own business (actually, trying to take care of some business), when it suddenly dawned on me that ...

I wasn’t tired.

Indeed, I’d spent nearly two hours plugging away at some frustrating Web-based tasks without a pause, and not once did I feel overwhelmed, disheartened, sleepy, slug-like, or otherwise burdened by the veil of fatigue that’s been covering me the last week-plus.

I was downright alert.

What an odd feeling.

I hope it continues.


  1. Hey. This is a really cool discovery. Possible that your system just dammitt got tired of being tired and said "genug! Let's get on with whatever needs getting on with!" or some such? Enjoy it so deeply that it takes root. Your father would be amazed!
    Cheers and lots of snug hugs from here, Lynn

  2. What was that? Sorry, I missed what you siad - I was sleeping! Just kidding. Have actually done okay for two days in a row.
