Monday, June 29, 2009

MDS: Vidaza - Round 3

Today starts the third round of Vidaza shots. Frankly, I'm stressing.

Because we skipped last week's blood letting, uh, I mean blood testing, I have no recent blood count results. The last two counts were down from the two previous ones, although the last one was slightly up from the next-to-last count.

Dr. Onco has said that it's normal for the platelet count to go down during Vidaza sessions. Afterward, it should rebound.

The count also rebounds when Procrid is injected. But, she didn't administer Procrid last time, which may partly explain why the counts had gone up only slightly two Fridays ago.

What I do have is three straight days of exhaustion. Exhaustion, not fatigue.

Sleeping has been the primary pastime since we returned from Cape Cod, and I'm concerned. Seems to me that by yesterday (Sunday) I should've been fairly functional. But, I dozed through two televised baseball games and a golf tournament.

True, I managed to get on the treadmill each of the last two days. But, that required undue determination, and it pretty much represented my total physical output for each day.

Put together the exhaustion and last week's missing blood counts, and it adds up to worry. Well, concern at the least.

What will today's blood count show? Somehow this count looms menacingly and I'm feeling the pressure. Too much, so, I'm afraid. But, there it is.

And, frankly, as comfy as our Temper-Pedic bed might be, I have no desire to spend the rest of my life sleeping.


  1. Mitch,

    Have someone I love suffering from the same disease and going through the same treatment you are. She's 57 years old, alone, and dealing with metastatic melanoma too. I have told her of your blog but I have no idea if she participates - she's angry and exhausted! Had to share this with you.......somehow! Your thoughts and words make the good fight worth battleing each day. All of you are in my prayers each and every day!

  2. G--This disease is a conundrum at the very least. I perfectly well understand how she feels. And, worse, the exhaustion feeds the anger, and the anger feeds the exhaustion. It's a nasty business. From what my docs have said, your friend, although just 4 yeas younger than I, might be a prime candidate for bone marrow transplant. But, that's a scary process, to be sure. I'm hoping to avoid it. Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated by me; and by her, I'm sure.
