Thursday, January 14, 2010

MDS Becomes AML - Chemotherapy Day 4

For yesterday, there are but two things to report:
  • Platelets went back down from 10,000 to 4,000. More platelets were transfused.
  • Energy level went to zilch, and most of the day was spent sleeping.
In truth, the day passes much more quickly when most of it is spent sleeping. There's no clock watching, wondering how to divert myself with the little energy I have, or flipping around trying to find a comfortable position in this bed.

I will say I'm reaching the point where I'm tired of being here. Of waking several times a night to pee (thanks to the constant chemo-drip) and re-remembering where I am and why. Of dreaming dreams in which I'm active and doing things and waking to re-realize that I'm not active and can't do anything.

I've experienced this before—back in 2001 when I was hospitalized for 3.5 weeks with a liver abscess—and I know it's a normal stage to pass through during an extended hospital stay. But, this stay looms much longer than did that one, or the one last April when all this began, and I'm having a hard time imagining how I'm going to feel two weeks out.

Guess it's best no to dwell on that.

Better to think longer term, and imagine myself back on the golf course come summer. To spend my day visualizing perfect golf swings wouldn't be such a bad thing, I imagine.



  1. Hey, Mitch -- just found out about change in diagnosis. This might not be great consolation, but I've heard the worse that chemo makes you feel, the better indication that it's doing its job -- that of killing all fast-growing cells, both the good and the cancerous ones. But total sympathy for your being in a hospital for a month. No fun and you're one person who really likes fun. Thinking of you! --Karen Cummings

  2. Thanks K - I know you know something about this whole chemo scene. Not fun, but I'll weather it.

  3. At least you're not a Haitian with MDS or AML or anything else! One small thing to be gratful for.
