Wednesday, February 3, 2010

MDS Becomes AML -- So Tired!!!!

Daily Mitch Report – Weds, Feb. 3, 2010

Another day of exhaustion for Mitch although the counts improved with a white blood count of 4.7! Hemoglobin was 10.1 and platelets 13. His protein levels are rising too and that should help the edema.

But he is one sad sack with his digestive system still not working right and feeling sooooooo tired. As I work Weds night I visited him in the morning until about 2 when Dr. Sharma took the bone marrow biopsy. She also ordered another X-Ray of his abdomen for this afternoon. Laina will be in to visit after her work day and, hopefully, that will cheer him up a little. He is really, really tired of being in the hospital, but that’s where he needs to be now.

If you have any extra energy, please send it his way.

More tomorrow…Penny, Mitch and Laina


  1. Penny,

    My prayers are with all of you - sorry I have not written but I've been traveling on business.
    Has the ID mentioned anything about clostridium difficile colitis? It is often brought on by ABX therapy, although the vancomycin will usually correct the problem.
    Please let Mitch know we are all praying for his recovery. We miss his words but YOU are doing a great job! Make sure you take care of yourself: rest, good food, and tears when you need to! OK?
    God Bless You All - George

  2. Mitch, Thinking of you and wish I could take some of that pain away... I know you are fighting hard, even in you are tired.
    Our love, Greg & Debby in Maine
