Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Report on Leg Red Spots

Yesterday there was good news and disappointing news relative to the bizarre spots on my legs.

Review: In two places, the small red spots have expanded into something that looks like raised bruises. A biopsy was done on the largest one (right shin) by Dr. Skin a few weeks ago.

The biopsy results proved puzzling. The presence of leukemic cells was indicated.

I presented the report to Dr. O on Monday. She, too, was puzzled. A confab with Dr. MDS was in order, she decided. She reported that confab's conclusions by phone yesterday.

The good news:
  • Dr. MDS has seen these "lesions," as they are now being called, before.
  • They are a reaction to Vidaza.
  • They can be treated with Depakote (valpoic acid).
  • The presence of leukemic cells does not indicate that the MDS is devolving into leukemia.

The disappointing news:
  • The 7-day shots cycle must continue.
Okay. I'm bumming about the seven days. I'd been psyched about reducing the cycle to five days, which I figure would reduce my feel-lousy time by at least two if not three days.

I'm also a bit leery of this Depakote. Sure, I trust Dr. MDS when he says it works to eliminate the Vidaza-related lesions. But, hold on, Depakote is an anti-convulsive also used in the treatment of bi-polar disorder.

Whoa! Are we ready for some schizophrenia!?! (As if the football Giants don't make me schizo enough.)

Alright, alright—just I'm kidding. I understand that drugs often successfully treat problems other than those designated for their primary use. Still, yet another drug to combine with those already being ingested (Vidaza, Zofran, plus a couple of  digestive supplements) bugs me. My brain still categorizes me as a young, healthy person.

Guess we're going to have to adjust that.

Anyway, Daughter reassured me about the frequent off-use of meds, and that an anti-convulsive doesn't mean inducing convulsions (hey—I knew that). And, she expressed cautious optimism about the bi-polar aspect.

"Might do you some good," she said.

Wait til I tell the rest of my personalities about that.

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