Friday, October 9, 2009

Well, it's Friday of Vidaza Shots Week (VSW), and I'm holding up surprisingly well. I only collapse with body aches and fatigue after lunch. Work gets done in the morning.

This contrasts starkly with the last VSW in which I felt like crap already on Monday.

And, ingesting nine Metamucil capsules per day (up from two/day during non-shots weeks) seems to be keeping my bowels in order, countermanding the Zofran anti-nausea meds.

Not that the Complaint Department has closed, mind you.
  • The shots sites hurt/itch like crazy
  • random itching pervades my body
  • the stitches on my leg have begun to itch
  • the only sports commentary I get on the car radio whilst driving to/from Dr. O's is about the damned Yankees instead of the important news about football.
Yes—the Complaint Department is always open.

Still, here we are, more than halfway through the shots ordeal, and I'm showing more energy than during any other shots week.

A good thing.

1 comment:

  1. hi mitch,

    thank you for sharing your experience through this blog. i just came across it tonight and have been sitting here for the past few hours reading about what you've been going through in recent months. my dad was also recently diagnosed with mds and is about to begin treatment with vidaza the week after next. please contact me if there's any way you could answer a few questions via email. thanks.

