Friday, August 28, 2009

MDS: Gone Golfing & Napless

Can an MDS sufferer survive two consecutive days of golf while going napless?

Will today require two or even three naps?

More importantly, will playing golf two days in a row improve the golfing skills?

These are the questions that move men's souls. Or soles.

For the record, as of 6 a.m. this (Friday) morning:
  • energy level—normal
  • previous night's sleep—decent
  • alertness—fair, with moderate yawning
  • enthusiasm for the day's work ahead—middling
  • state of golf game—improving with inexplicable signs of actual progress (i.e., many more bogey holes per round than there's any right to expect, with the undoubtedly odd par tossed in).
So, does extra golf induce exhaustion in an MDS world?

Apparently not.

Can it bring happiness to an MDS world?


But, it's a healthy distraction. And, on a beautiful day like these last two have been, it's a hell of a lot better than staring at the computer screen all day, no matter how much energy is at hand.

Fore! (five, six, seven . . . oh, just pick up the ball and move on . . .)

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