These reddish bumps on my lower legs keep showing up, fading but never quite disappearing and, this week, they’ve brought in some large-sized relatives—who clearly must be the football-playing members of the clan—to take up positions on my right shin.
I presented my shin to Dr. O the other day, and she said it was time to visit the dermatologist.
Ah, great. Just what I need. Another doctor.
Have I mentioned that it took me six months to decide it was safe to visit the dentist?
Have I mentioned that I need new glasses but haven’t drummed up the wherewithal to visit the optometrist?
Just how many docs can a boy handle simultaneously?
Quite a few, apparently.
Dr. O says that now, while the blood counts are high and it’s not shots time, it’s a good time to get this looked at and maybe have a bump biopsy done. So, I’m trying to track down the derma doc who’s affiliated with our primary care practice.
Apparently she only works about three hours a week.
I exaggerate, of course, but the hours are limited and crazy. I doubt I can get in there before shots resume next week. If I can get someone to answer the phone at all.
Oh well. The bottom line is this: here’s just another bodily activity that might or might not be a Vidaza reaction/side effect, and it’s up to me to "just handle it."
Okay. I will.
This syndrome might drive me nuts, but at least it’s
keeping the medical profession in business.
I presented my shin to Dr. O the other day, and she said it was time to visit the dermatologist.
Ah, great. Just what I need. Another doctor.
Have I mentioned that it took me six months to decide it was safe to visit the dentist?
Have I mentioned that I need new glasses but haven’t drummed up the wherewithal to visit the optometrist?
Just how many docs can a boy handle simultaneously?
Quite a few, apparently.
Dr. O says that now, while the blood counts are high and it’s not shots time, it’s a good time to get this looked at and maybe have a bump biopsy done. So, I’m trying to track down the derma doc who’s affiliated with our primary care practice.
Apparently she only works about three hours a week.
I exaggerate, of course, but the hours are limited and crazy. I doubt I can get in there before shots resume next week. If I can get someone to answer the phone at all.
Oh well. The bottom line is this: here’s just another bodily activity that might or might not be a Vidaza reaction/side effect, and it’s up to me to "just handle it."
Okay. I will.
This syndrome might drive me nuts, but at least it’s
keeping the medical profession in business.